
6 Superstitious Beliefs Singaporeans Consider On Their Home-Buying Journey & What They Mean

24 March 2025 | BY

Superstitious beliefs that influence home-buying decisions in Singapore—from Feng Shui to unit numbers and more.

6 Pantang Things Singaporeans Consider On Their Home-Buying Journey & What They Mean

When purchasing a home in Singapore, superstitious beliefs—or pantang, as they’re commonly known—often play a big role in the decision-making process. From the orientation of the unit to its past occupants and even nearby surroundings, many homebuyers across different races and religions take these beliefs seriously, especially when it comes to safeguarding their well-being, prosperity, and harmony at home.

In this article, we explore some of the superstitious beliefs that continue to influence home-buying decisions in Singapore.

1. Ensuring auspicious unit & floor numbers

pantang things - block numberImage credit: Peter Steinhauer

First and foremost, block and unit numbers matter. The number ‘4’ is considered inauspicious by many Chinese, Malays, and Indians, leading them to avoid such block or unit numbers. Why is this the case? The number 4 tends to get a bad rap in many Asian cultures, and that’s mostly because of how it sounds phonetically. 

In Mandarin, 4 (四, sì) sounds super similar to the word for death (死, sǐ). This isn’t solely a Chinese belief either—Japanese and Korean cultures, which have ties to Chinese characters, also associate the number 4 with bad luck. That’s why you’ll see developers skipping “04” units or making floors like 3A in place of 4.

Certain combinations such as ‘44’, ‘444’, or even ‘1314’ are also avoided due to similar superstitious beliefs—with ‘1314’ sounding like “one life, one death” in Mandarin. On the flip side, numbers like ‘8’ and ‘9’ are seen as auspicious, representing prosperity and longevity.

2. Position of the house

pantang things - living roomImage credit: Pexels

Another common superstitious belief that Singaporeans look out for is the facing of their homes. In Chinese traditions, buildings shaped like a knife or blade pointing toward a unit are said to carry Sha Qi (negative energy), which may disrupt the flow of wealth and luck. Similarly, sharp corners or roads that cut directly into a home are often avoided.

Some Feng Shui principles also suggest that east-facing homes bring vitality, while west-facing ones can invite instability. While these beliefs still influence many homebuyers, modern homeowners may prioritise their own preferences—like good ventilation and natural light—over traditional orientations.

In other cultures, such as in Indian households, south-facing homes are a no-go—and it’s not just because of sunlight. According to Vastu Shastra (a traditional Indian guide to architecture), the direction your house faces affects how energy flows through the space. And south? It’s believed to disrupt that flow.

3. The history of the home & its spiritual energy

pantang things - block historyImage credit: Roots Singapore

One of the most common superstitious beliefs among Singaporean homebuyers is the history of the unit. Homes with a past involving death or bankruptcies are often avoided, as some fear that the same misfortune could follow future occupants. To be extra cautious, some homebuyers even consult Feng Shui masters or spiritual advisors to assess the unit’s energy.

Other superstitious beliefs also lead people to steer clear of ex-rental flats, which are believed to carry “used energy”. Likewise, homes built on former cemeteries are often avoided due to concerns about bad luck or an unwanted spiritual presence. Despite all that, some people prioritise factors like location and affordability over a unit’s past.

4. Placement of unit near rubbish chutes 

pantang things - rubbish chuteImage credit: Kiasu Plumber

Many homeowners in Singapore avoid units near rubbish chutes due to a combination of superstitious beliefs and practical concerns.

In Indian households, waste disposal areas are believed to carry negative energy, and superstitious beliefs suggest that living too close to them could lead to poor health or financial struggles. Some Muslim homeowners steer clear of units near rubbish chutes, as odours and impurities are believed to affect spiritual cleanliness and overall harmony in the home.

On the other hand, many Chinese homeowners believe that units near rubbish chutes symbolise wealth being “thrown away”, as rubbish is associated with negative energy. Odours and grime are also said to disrupt a home’s energy flow. To avoid bad luck, some also steer clear of units where the main door is directly aligned with a chute.

5. The Feng Shui & qi coming from your surroundings

pantang things - feng shuiImage credit: Pixabay

Some superstitious beliefs suggest that living near places of worship can result in clashing energies, potentially inviting misfortune or disrupting the harmony of a home. There’s also a belief that such areas hold too much energy, which may overwhelm the space.

On a more practical note, modern homebuyers often avoid units near MRT tracks or highways—not because of superstitions, but due to noise pollution and its potential impact on resale value.

6. Timing of purchase & move in dates

pantang things - dateImage credit: Pexels

Just like you have auspicious days for weddings and birthdays, you also have auspicious days and even timings for buying a home. The reason: these seemingly minute details allegedly influence your wealth and prosperity.

For example, the hungry ghost month is the worst possible month in Chinese culture to purchase a home—why? Many buy into the belief that unoccupied homes carry “yin” energy and that attracts the spirits that roam freely during this month. Purchasing a house during that time is said to not only disturb the spirits, but also invite bad luck into your new home.

Superstitious beliefs to consider when buying a home

Whether or not you fully subscribe to Feng Shui, it’s hard to ignore the superstitious beliefs that often guide home-buying decisions in Singapore. These pantang guidelines also generally follow practical principles to ensure that your home serves you well for a long time.

Beyond avoiding pantang things, Feng Shui is also a practice that many homeowners turn to in order to create a harmonious home that has nothing but good vibes. It is built upon good design principles to promote positive energy flow and enhance your well-being at home.

You can check out our ultimate guide to feng shui to see how small additions or tweaks to your home can improve the amount of positive qi that we invite into our home.

For more articles on Feng Shui:

Cover image adapted from: Peter Steinhauer, Pexels, Pixabay

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